Bray High Performance Butterfly Valves
We can supply a vast selection of Bray high performance butterfly valves.
Bray high performance butterfly valves are used when resilient seated butterfly valves are not suitable. High temperature, high pressure and bubble-tight shut-off through over 100,000 cycles.
- Sizes from 2 1/2" to 60" (65mm to 1500mm)
- Pressure range up to ANSI #600 (PN64)
- Energised RPTFE seat as standard
- Standard temperature range from -29°C to 260°C (-20°F to 500°F)
- Wafer, lug and double flange body styles
- Various seal materials
- Manual, pneumatic or electric actuator operation
- Firesafe to API 607
Sales Brochure
Bray High Performance Butterfly Valve Brochure